2024 Spring Symposium Recorded Session: Prebiotics and Mood: Exploring the Gut-Brain Axis

Join us for an insightful webinar on the connection between prebiotics and mood, highlighting the fascinating interplay between the gut and the brain. This session will introduce the concept of prebiotics, explain what qualifies a compound as a prebiotic, and present groundbreaking research on how prebiotics can positively influence mental health.

The webinar will focus on a recent study involving 92 healthy adults with mild-to-moderate anxiety and depression. Participants received daily doses of either prebiotic oligofructose from chicory root (FOS), 2’-fucosyllactose (HMO), a combination of the two, or a placebo. Results showed beneficial bacteria were increased by the interventions, and volunteers displayed clinically significant improvements in mood scores- including measures of anxiety and depression. The study supports the use of prebiotic interventions to enhance mood in addition to bringing about desirable changes in the gut microbiome.

Key takeaways from this webinar include understanding what prebiotics are, how they impact the gut microbiome, the type of evidence required to support prebiotic claims, and the potential benefits of prebiotics on anxiety and depression. This webinar is perfect for anyone interested in the latest scientific research on nutrition and mental health.

Learning Objectives

After completing this activity, nutrition professionals will better be able to:

  1. Define the term prebiotic.
  2. Discuss the impact of prebiotic consumption on the gut microbiome.
  3. Explain the evidence that supports the impact of prebiotics on the gut microbiome.
  4. Counsel patients and clients on the impact the consumption of prebiotics can have on anxiety and depression.

Additional Information

Suggested CDR Performance Indicators: 
5.1.2, 7.2.3, 9.2.3, 9.4.3
CDR Activity Type: 
CPE Level: 
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 CDR
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
CE Club cost:
CE Club cost:

Dr. Bob Rastall is Senior Tutor within the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Reading in the UK where he also holds the post of Professor of Food Biotechnology, teaching food chemistry and biochemistry. Dr. Rastall has a BSc in Applied Biology and a PhD in Microbial Biochemistry from the University of Greenwich, London. Professor Rastall’s research interests are around developing novel enzymatic manufacturing technologies for functional carbohydrates targeted at gut health.


Robert Rastall, PhD, has the following relevant disclosures to report: he has received research funding and/or speaker honoraria from BENEO-Institute and Optibiotix Health, PLC.

The responsible provider for this activity is BENEO-Institute.

Funding from non-CPE revenue for CPE planning, development, review, and/or presentation has been provided by BENEO-Institute.


Prebiotics and Mood: Exploring the Gut-Brain Axis awards 1.0 CPEU in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program.

The responsible provider for this activity is BENEO-Institute.

Funding from non-CPE revenue for CPE planning, development, review, and/or presentation has been provided by BENEO-Institute.


Available Credit

  • 1.00 CDR


CE Club cost:
CE Club cost:
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